Pilot project for the conservation of biodiversity, highlighting the crucial role of transhumant livestock breeders as ecosystem balancers.

Echoversity is an innovative participatory initiative dedicated to conserving and enhancing biodiversity along the pastoral routes of Zagori. In collaboration with both the scientific community and local citizens, the project utilizes mobile laboratories to detect, document, and engage in discussions about the preservation and management of the ecosystem within regional pastures.

Echoversity is implemented under the European Programme Accting funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union and is one of the 10 projects selected among 135 eligible applications.
The primary objective of the project is to foster awareness among the local community regarding biodiversity conservation, emphasizing the crucial role played by mobile pastoralists as balancing factors of the Ecosystem. The project focuses on the sound recording of the biodiversity along the forage trails of Zagori, actively involving the local community through participatory workshops for recording and managing the natural and cultural environment.

Through Echoversity, Ecomuseum Zagori seeks to bridge the gap between the landscape, community, and tangible/intangible cultural heritage. The project brings together scientists and local stakeholders, establishing collaborative relationships aimed at both documenting and safeguarding biodiversity. Additionally, it aims to educate and raise awareness among farmers about the sustainable conservation of local habitats.

Funding source: Accting, funded by the a European Program Horizon 2020
Duration: 2023-2024
Relative links: Echoversity – an innovative participatory biodiversity conservation project – Accting