KA210-VET: Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training is an Erasmus+ programme with the main objective of training secondary vocational schools on circular economy and recycling. Three countries (Turkey, France, Italy) are participating with one school each, as well as Greece with the EcoMuseum Zagori as a non-formal education institution specialising in environmental and cultural management. It includes four teacher mobilities, one in each country, where information and training activities are carried out in order to transfer the acquired skills and knowledge to the students of technical/vocational schools. The project is part of the EU’s efforts to combat climate change, but also to innovate in vocational education and equal opportunities for all levels and types of education.

The EcoMuseum Zagori hosted six teachers from the above countries and conducted an educational week, with presentations, workshops and activities on the circular economy, recycling and how they can be applied in the educational process, as well as artistic practice. In addition to the dialogue that emerged from the presentations, of particular importance was the collection of waste from a local farm and its subsequent transformation into a collective sculpture. The creation of the sculpture was coordinated by Vangelis Kontos, a senior in the Department of Visual and Applied Arts at the School of Fine Arts and Art Sciences of the University of Ioannina.

Source of funding: Erasmus+

Duration: 01/12/2022-01/06/2024

Partners: Karasu Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (TR), Lycée des métiers Gabriel Pér (FR), ITIS “E. Mattei”

Relevant links: Sustain For The Future Erasmus+ KA210- VET- 81811