KOINONO Tinos Art Gathering: Local Gardens
Dry stone is a building technique found throughout Greece, with local variations. Within the framework of the KOINONO Tinos Art Gathering, an annual meeting of artists, educators, researchers, theorists and scientists in Tinos, the action “Local Gardens” aimed to interpret the heritage of dry stone through ephemeral constructions and outdoor elements in a walk. The walk included extensive weaved pieces between architectural forms, paths, and native vegetation of the area. The structures narrate, arrange, and welcome the observer’s awareness and perception of the site.
The EcoMuseum Zagori participated in the interpretive walk and additionally contributed to the documentation of the project through the presentation “The Cultural Routes in the Xerolithic Landscapes in EcoMuseum Zagori”, conveying the extended geographical character of the xerolithic landscape.
: EcoMuseum Zagori Group (Georgia Kanellopoulou, Panagiota Koutsoukou, Eleftheria Upala, Stylianos Pantazopoulos, Georgia Grammatikou)
Funding source: Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports, South Aegean Region, Municipality of Tinos and numerous private initiatives
Duration: 23-29/07/2018
Relevant links: https://archive.kinono.gr/eco-museum/