EcoMuseum Zagori participates in the RURACTIVE HORIZON 2022 project. With the RURACTIVE project we aim to exchange knowledge, strengthen development processes and methods and present our region in a European context towards the European goals of the United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The overall objective of the RURACTIVE project is to promote a fair and sustainable transition of rural areas by developing smart, community-led, local-based and inclusive solutions. RURACTIVE sees rural and mountain communities and regions as vibrant centers of innovation based on local resources, creativity and social inclusion that will be enhanced through digital innovation, local resource utilisation and training, resulting in attractive places for all people to live and work.

RURACTIVE will empower rural communities to act for social change by making available existing knowledge around smart solutions integrating different forms of innovation (digital and technological, technical, organisational and social, business models and financial) and by strengthening the capacities and skills of rural communities by providing training, capacity building and knowledge transfer. RURACTIVE will work towards inclusive decision-making processes for all, including vulnerable groups and people at risk of exclusion, by providing tools and capacities for the collaborative co-development, co-implementation and co-monitoring of smart and community-driven solutions.

Source of funding: HORIZON 2022

Duration: September 2023-August 2027

Partners: RURACTIVE – Empowering rural communities to act for change | RURACTIVE