The EcoMuseum Zagori, through its active action and the practical effort for the creation of Ecomuseums in Greece, contributed to the design and implementation of the Ecomuseum of Coastal Cultural Heritage of Aitoliko-Messolonghi, in the framework of the Interreg GR-IT Transnational Programme for the creation of Ecomuseums between Greece and Italy, for the project “MUSE”-Development and valorization of port museums as natural and cultural heritage sites, as an external partner of the Non-Profit Organization “European Regional Framework for Cooperation”. The main objective of the MUSE project is the development, enhancement and connection of Ecomuseums as natural and cultural heritage sites. The driving forces of the project are the development of cooperative actions with local stakeholders to attract high quality tourism and the sustainable development of the wider region.

Coastal Ecomuseums are a dynamic space for research, collection, exchange and deepening of knowledge linked to the traditions of the sea and coastal communities. The Muse project has a clear strategy based on the involvement of the local community where, through its involvement in traditional crafts, it preserves over time the traditional way of life of the maritime area. The concept of the ‘Coastal Ecomuseum’ was born from the idea of investing in culture and nature to ensure social and economic sustainable development in coastal and maritime areas, based on the regional legislation of Puglia (Regional Law No. 15 of 6 July 2011) and the experiences of ‘ecological museums’ in many European countries.

Together with the local community, the MUSE project aims to create and strengthen a network of Adriatic-Ionian coastal museums, including the coastal museum already established in Tricase, Italy, and areas where the natural and cultural heritage associated with the values of coastal museums exists but is not fully established and developed, such as Corfu and Messolonghi, Greece.

Funding source: Interreg project V-A GREECE-ITALY 2014 – 2020

Duration: Nov. 2018 – Apr. 2019

Partners: Municipality of Tricase, CIHEAM BARI, Municipality of Mesolonghi, Port Authority of Corfu, European Regional Framework for Cooperation

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